Andrzej Pawłowski

Andrzej Pawłowski

Naturally Shaped Form


(from:"Fragmenty prac naukowo-badawczych,

 kwalifikacyjnych i magisterskich" (Fragments of Scientific and

 Research works, Dissertations and Master's Theses", Krakow, 1966, Academy of Fine Arts)




Design as a planning of processes to come concerns future space

and time. Hence the need for discussing the processes of designing and creating in the future. A direct reason for discussing the  problem are the tendencies to shorten the time of designing and of this process' intensification, as well, as the conclusions resulting from the following statements: "(...) man can only act as the nature does. It means he can only change the form of a matter. Moreover, in this work of shaping he is constantly supported by the powers of nature" (15, vol.2, p.46) (...)"The brain is as shrewd as it is powerful. Shrewdness manifests itself in the intermediary role which combines objects' interaction with other objects according to their nature and though it does not interfere in the process, it nevertheless, realizes its goal".(Hegel F. "Logics " - quotation from 15, vol.1, p. 190).


The wisdom of action is based on using the law of causality which exists in nature, in such a way that various powers grouped into a chain of causes and effects produce the desired transformation.The progress of civilization consists in such a procedure, which Tadeusz Kotarbinski calls - the minimization of intervention, and characterizes it as follows:"...we try to manage in such a way, that what is to be done will be done by itself, at least from a certain point of a given process" (13, p. 147)                              


Every action comprises the following factors:                          


aim     - what? (intention)        


realizing energy - who?


matter  - out of what?              


regulating - adjusting


way     - how?                      


coordination - coordinating


time    - when?                      


verification - comparison with intention


control energy - controlling (information)


action - decision




Product (artifact) defined by its aim is realized through the process which consists of the above mentioned factors. The factors are directly supplied by the author (creator), however he can also burden the nature (alive or dead nature,including man-made "artificiata") with them and in this way making the nature subordinated to himself. Every time  man adds a new factor of action to the nature he accomplishes further progress. Diagram 1 shows the structure formed by action factors which, frequently can be observed in a manufacturing process. It is understandable that an author wishes to give his creation a possibly superb form.


It seems that one of the most disturbing features of our creations

is their inanimateness, the feature which makes the creations of

human beings fundamentally different from those of the living

nature. One of the characteristics of living creatures it is their

ability to adapt themselves to the changes taking place in their

environment. This ability is called: self correction, the feature

common to all self controlled systems. The shape resulting from

such a process remains perfect even when its life is taken away,

thus its ability to develop itself further is interrupted

(skeleton, shell). The trait of the process, the manner of its

generation makes it authentic, genuine. In spite of the fact that

it is deprived of the ability of further self correction, the

shape still bears the traits revealing the truth about its

creation, at the same time it seemingly determines its own

development possibilities. It is an "open" form. It would be

interesting to try realize such a shape in "artificial" conditions,

in a process where nature (in wider sense than above described)

becomes burdened with such way of action factors as regulation or way. The arrangement of action factors would vary from the

previous example and would look as it is shown on diagram 2. Let us analyze an elementary shape: a curve called: chain curve.








                         _______ aim ________________


             _______ control energy______


             _______ action______________


             _______ coordination________


             _______ verification________


             _______ time________________


             _______ way_________________


             _______ regulation__________




                     executing energy____


  AUTHOR             matter______________     PROCESS    PRODUCT










             _______ aim_________________            


 _______                       control energy______


             _______ action______________


             _______ coordination________


             _______ verification________


             _______ time________________








                     executing energy____


AUTHOR               matter______________     PROCESS    PRODUCT










The Principle of Naturally Shaped Form


The shape is conditioned by points of suspension and a chain

length. If we change the length or points of suspension, we decide on the shape of the curve, but the curve will nevertheless shape itself according to the principles of physics which, let me call: natural ones.Each change of the shape is accompanied by self correction which makes the shape perfect.  If we take, as an

assumption, that an author of these changes accepts the principle

of such logic of the shape and that his interventions result from

his subjective need, then we can call the shape : a naturally

shaped form.


The problem of naturally shaped form is connected with one of the problems of the calculus of variations called: the problem of

Plateau (1801 - 1833). In its simplest form the problem can be

formulated as following: to reckon a surface of the smallest area

bounded in space by a given closed has been observed

that mechanical structure based on this assumption obtains a state of constant balance when its character is such that its potential energy is minimal. The principles of "minimum" dominated other branches of physics, construction, and have become the evaluating criteria for perfection.